10 Most Useless Courses to Study in Nigeria

Discover the top 10 most useless courses to study in Nigeria and gain valuable insights to make informed educational choices. This guide sheds light on courses that may not offer promising career prospects.

In this informative guide, we delve into the realm of education in Nigeria, focusing on courses that might not lead to favorable career outcomes. Making informed decisions about education is crucial, and understanding which courses might have limited prospects is essential for prospective students. Let’s explore the 10 most useless courses to study in Nigeria and gain insights to navigate the educational landscape effectively.

The 10 Most Useless Courses to Study in Nigeria

Medicine and Surgery

Studying Medicine and Surgery in Nigeria can be challenging due to the saturation of the healthcare sector. The long duration of study and intense competition can lead to limited job opportunities and delayed entry into the workforce.


While the legal profession is respected, the oversupply of law graduates in Nigeria makes it difficult to secure lucrative positions. Many law graduates struggle to find suitable roles, and the investment in legal education may not always yield commensurate returns.

Fine Arts

Although pursuing a degree in Fine Arts allows for creativity and artistic expression, the lack of structured career opportunities in Nigeria can make it a less viable option for many students.


Philosophy, while intellectually stimulating, often lacks direct applicability in the Nigerian job market. Job prospects for philosophy graduates can be limited, making it a challenging career choice.

Theatre Arts

Theatre Arts, while offering a platform for creative expression, faces challenges in terms of job security and financial stability. The entertainment industry in Nigeria can be highly competitive and unpredictable.

Religious Studies

A degree in Religious Studies may not offer diverse career prospects. The demand for professionals in this field is limited, potentially resulting in underemployment or job dissatisfaction.

Library and Information Science

The digital age has significantly transformed the role of traditional libraries and information management. This evolution has led to decreased demand for professionals in this field, impacting job opportunities.


While linguistics is a fascinating field, the demand for linguistics graduates in Nigeria is relatively low, potentially leading to difficulty in securing well-paying jobs.

Tourism and Hospitality Management

The tourism and hospitality industry in Nigeria faces challenges such as infrastructure limitations and political instability. These factors can affect job opportunities and growth in this field.


While geography is essential for understanding the world, career options for geography graduates in Nigeria can be limited, making it a less favorable choice.


Q: Are there any alternatives for the listed courses?
A: Absolutely. Consider exploring fields like computer science, engineering, business administration, and allied health sciences, which generally offer better job prospects in Nigeria.

Q: How can one make an informed choice regarding their education?
A: Research, career counseling, and understanding market demands are essential in making informed decisions about education and career paths.

Q: Can pursuing a passion be a better choice than going for a high-demand course?
A: Balancing passion and demand is crucial. It’s advisable to align one’s passion with courses that also have good demand and career opportunities.

Q: Are there specific regions in Nigeria where certain courses might have better prospects?
A: Yes, certain courses might have better prospects in specific regions due to regional development and industry demands.

Q: Is the list of useless courses definitive, or can circumstances change?
A: Circumstances can change over time with advancements and shifts in the job market. It’s essential to stay updated with trends and adapt accordingly.

Q: What steps can students take to enhance their employability after studying these courses?
A: Consider gaining additional skills through workshops, internships, or online courses to enhance employability and marketability in a competitive job market.


Choosing the right course of study is a pivotal decision that significantly impacts one’s future. Understanding the landscape of education in Nigeria, including identifying courses that might offer limited prospects, is essential for prospective students. By making informed choices, individuals can optimize their career paths and strive for success.

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